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Happy Birthday Hire DSM - Three lessons from my Entrepreneurial journey in the last three years

Updated: May 30

Today is a fun Celebration in our office as we celebrate our company's inception THREE Years ago! We have grown a lot, learned a TON and couldn't be more excited about what the future holds!

Three years ago, I had no idea where Hire DSM (NMW Consulting Group) would be in the years to come. I always knew I wanted to own a business, but never would have guessed a Recruiting firm would kick off my journey as an Entrepreneur. In early May of 2021, I thought I was leaving my current role to be a stay at home mom. I had no grand plan, nothing that was brewing under the surface. I just knew I needed to get out of the situation I was in, and I listened to the nudge that kept telling me that it was time to move on. Even though I think that would have been a great role for me, I am so thankful for the journey life took me on.

Embarking on the entrepreneurial journey has been one of the most transformative experiences of my life. In the past three years, I’ve learned invaluable lessons that have shaped me and my business. In celebration of our 3rd Birthday, I wanted to share three things I have learned on this journey.

1. Discover your Personal Board of Directors

When I decided to start my own company, I was confident in my network. I believed I had built strong connections that would support me in my new path. However, I never imagined how much my network would evolve in the years to come.

Some relationships naturally faded, as our paths diverged and our interests no longer aligned. But what surprised me the most was how other connections deepened and became incredibly meaningful. I realized the importance of having a "Personal Board of Directors"—a group of trusted advisors and mentors who could provide guidance, support, and candid feedback when I needed it most.

These individuals, drawn from various facets of my professional and personal life, have been instrumental in my journey. They offer diverse perspectives, challenge my assumptions, and celebrate my successes. Having this core group has not only provided me with strategic insights but has also been a source of emotional support during the inevitable highs and lows of entrepreneurship.

2. Be Ready to Pivot

When I first launched my business, I had a vision of what I wanted to achieve. However, as any entrepreneur will tell you, the market has a way of testing your assumptions. I continue to face challenges that force me to re-evaluate my strategy or where we may be headed.

One of the most crucial lessons I learned was the necessity of being ready to pivot. Adaptability became my mantra. Whether it was tweaking our product offerings based on customer feedback or changing our marketing strategy to reach a different audience, each pivot was a step closer to aligning our business with market needs.

These pivots were not always easy and often involved difficult decisions and risks. But through each pivot, I have learned to be more resilient and innovative. The ability to pivot not only has kept the business afloat but also set the stage for growth and new opportunities.

3. Always Bet on Yourself

Starting a business requires a leap of faith, not just in the idea but in oneself. Throughout my journey, there were moments of doubt and uncertainty. In these moments, I reminded myself of one fundamental principle that has been my second mantra: always bet on myself.

Believing in my vision, capabilities, and resilience was crucial. This mindset helped me push through setbacks and maintain the determination needed to drive the business forward. Betting on myself meant continually investing in my personal and professional development, staying committed to my goals, and maintaining a positive outlook even when faced with adversity.

My entrepreneurial journey has been a blend of planned strategies and unexpected lessons that have tested me in every way, but I wouldn't change it for one minute! Finding a personal board of directors, being ready to pivot, and always betting on myself have been key to navigating this challenging yet rewarding path. As I continue to grow and evolve as an entrepreneur, these lessons remain at the core of my approach, guiding me toward future success.

Cheers to an amazing team, great network and many more years! Thank you to all of the people in my life that continue to love and support me and my dreams!


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